Yesterday I was 1st AD on the short film called 'Rustlers' which a group of us had produced for the Reed Short film competition along with another short called 'Being Mr Abernathy'.
So at 5am the alarm went off and it was time to pack the car and head north to Horse Creek Farm, the home of Sovereign Quarter Horses. David and Sarah Deptford had very kindly agreed for us to not only film at their place but also to use three of their wonderful horses. David even played a starring role as one of the three cowboys.

I had spent some time doing photo storyboards which the DoP, David Hands took and added to with Michelle Golder the writer/director.
My storyboards on the left and David's on the right. I then created my shotlist for the day.
Robert Jezek as Bart (left) and Christopher Dane as Deke (right)