So what has been happening since my last post?
Well, typically, a high is always followed by a low. As you may have noticed Born of Hope is currently not on YouTube. Annoyingly a copyright claim was filed by the Japanese computer games company, Konami. We have managed to investigate this and discovered that it looks to be a complete mistake, as Konami says they know nothing about it and have no issue with the film. Of course YouTube don't make anything easy when it comings to copyright or communicating with them so we are currently still trying to get the film reinstated.
Hopefully it will all be sorted by the end of next week but we'll just have to see. It's very annoying as we are definately down in viewing figures and probably would have hit the million mark by now. Fingers crossed it all gets sorted soon.
I've been doing a decent amount of reading lately. This is because despite having made a feature film that has got a lot of praise and interest, moving into making more commercial, non fan films is a whole new ball game. I have never set up a business before or had to take to lawyers and accountants and investors, so I'm trying to at least learn the basics so I'm not too far out of my depth.

So as you might have noticed, I've been hinting about a new project and I know that has got people intrigued. Well I'm not going to spill the beans just yet. Partly because nothing is very clear yet, I actually have about three projects in development but really need to decide on the next step.
Ok I'm gonna check out now. Still on the Harry Potter set but it's looking like we might wrap early which will make a nice Friday.
I will try to blog again soon.
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